Environmental Initiatives
DSPM has promoted and gained commitment from many clients to implement an organic, recycling and strict waste container service at office buildings, retail plaza’s and industrial plaza’s throughout southern Ontario, thereby minimizing waste that ends up in landfill sites. This is not a legislative requirement of commercial building owners but an initiative to get commercial buildings to participate in improving the environment.
DSPM has promoted and gained commitment to replace conventional lighting and ballasts that contain mercury and other contaminants and are inefficient consumers of hydro power with LED lighting, which is energy efficient, cost effective and have a life cycle exceeding 20 years.
Green Products
All janitorial services provided under the auspices of DSPM use “green products” exclusively that are bio degradable, do not harm the environment or people and provide a clean and safe environment free of chemical, biological and particulate contaminants for people to work and live in. Contracts are not awarded unless these companies meet and exceed CIMS-GB, the cleaning industry management standard for green buildings.

Landscaping Services
Landscaping services are governed by the rules and regulations of the government mandate to utilize organic weed control and grass growth promotion. Companies that do not meet these criteria’s do not work for DSPM.